
(Birth-15 months)

The Montessori Baby Class

Tuesdays 1-2 pm

£72 for a 6 week block

The baby class provides a calm, safe space for your baby to explore freely and at their own pace. Unlike traditional baby classes, this class is not adult instructed. Instead I use my training and knowledge to carefully prepare the classroom to meet the developmental needs of your baby. There are over 30 Montessori developmental activities for your baby to explore in baby class whilst I share tailored information with you about key Montessori baby developmental topics and how you can support your baby's development both in the class and at home. The class is also a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with other like-minded parents over a cuppa!

Babies can join this class from birth up until around 15/16 months, when they are walking confidently and almost ready for the toddler class.  

Classes limited to 6-8 babies (plus 1 parent/carer per baby)

Structure: arrival, free exploration of 30+ Montessori baby activities, tailored information and discussions on key Montessori baby development topics, FREE tea/coffee for parents, group singing and goodbyes. 

Please bring: comfy clothes that your baby can move freely in, also a change of clothes is helpful. Children should ideally be barefoot for better grip, grown-ups in socks or slippers. A snack for weaning babies if you choose to bring. 


Your baby wants to move! The room and activities are prepared in a way that gives your baby opportunities to move freely, developing and practicing the gross motor skills they are so determined to master such as rolling, slithering, sitting, crawling, pulling up, cruising and walking. Activities that encourage development of the hand support the progressive stages of grasping, reaching and hand to hand transfer. 


This is a time of intense language development and we provide a language rich environment to support your baby's desire to absorb and develop the language of their world. This most importantly begins with the adults' responses to the child's attempts at communication, acknowledging, responding, naming and introducing and repeating new language through conversation, the Montessori activities and also picture books.


A variety of sensory and manipulative activities encourage your baby to explore independently, developing their senses, eye-hand coordination and understanding of key concepts such as object permanence. 

Art and Music

Opportunities for the development of artistic expression through music and art are available, including scribbling/drawing, percussion instruments  and a group sing song at the end with your baby's favourites and a focus on movement based songs.